There’s a New WOOF in Town…
Why WoofWork is set to be the Upwork Killer & Fiverr Destroyer
Some “projects” are just a meme…
Some “companies” are just boring…
We are here to Woofrupt business as usual!
Meme + Utility = Memetility
So, what do you get when you cross a fun meme with epic utility? WoofWork!
That’s right — WoofWork is here to take a juicy bite out of the $3.39 Billion Freelance Marketplace Industry!
We are the Upwork Killer and Fiverr Destroyer! (wearing nerdy glasses)
The WoofPack have been doggone woofing it up with wooftastic memes, but it’s time to talk real product-market-fit for Teh Killer Dapp!
‘The doggo’s in the details’, so let’s get into the juicy details of what sets WoofWork ahead of the pack!
1. Availability
Planet Earth has no borders.
Unfortunately, traditional platforms required applications to work, or simply rejected workers based on their “nationality”.
By contrast, WoofWork believes that all doggos were born equal. We all have four paws. We all deserve equal opportunity. That’s why everyone can Woof!
Upwork and Fiverr are centralized like CEXs.
WoofWork is decentralized like ShibaSwap.
2. Payment Methods
With traditional platforms, you could only get paid in the fiat currency from your “nation”.
Now, WoofBosses can choose which (crypto)currency to pay in, and WoofWorkers can choose which cryptocurrency to get paid in.
Woof your way!
3. Platform Fees
Other platforms thought that taking 20% from your hard-earned doggybowl was business as usual. (And that’s before paying tax to your “nation”)
We say “Woof Off”!
5% is plenty to keep the marketplace operating.
Actually if you wanna get paid in $SHIB, we’ll drop that in half!
And if you wanna get paid in $WOOF, we won’t touch your doggy treats whatsoever!
WoofWorker fees for earning in most currencies: 5%
WoofWorker fees for earning in $SHIB: 2.5%
WoofWorker fees for earning in $WOOF: 0%
4. Service Fees
Wait, more fees?!
Yep–payments on the old guard added at least 5% for “bank fees etc”.
Fortunately, in Web3 we don’t need to worry about that old-fashioned legacy stuff.
The only transaction fees are the network fees–a flat fee on Ethereum, or a fraction of a penny on Shibarium!
No way–it’s Woof2Woof!
5. Staking Program
Legacy platforms considered us “users”. Uff!
We consider everyone to be teh WoofPack! Woof!
That’s why we are offering everyone to stake a piece of the platform.
There are rewards for all–but this is extra special for WoofBosses, who will have zero hiring fees, by staking $WOOF.
“Proof-of-Woof” Staking details to be announced...
Watch this stake!
6. Referrals
The incumbents wouldn’t give you much for referring frens to their platforms: just 10% of first order on Fiverr, or nada on Upwork.
Everything they can do, we can Woof better!
That includes referrals, so our Wooferral Program offers juicy treats to the most loyal doggos.
Wooferral fees will kick off at 20%, before scaling down to 15%, and finally settling at a healthy 10% of revenue referred.
Extra doggy treats for spreading the woof?
Just one more reason to share the woof on the street!
7. Identification
Old freelancer sites wanted to know your ID, your name, and your picture.
WoofWork believes that all breeds are born equal, and that privacy is a right.
So if you want to work loud and proud with your name and face, power to you. And if you prefer to work as an anon. doggo, good for you.
Woof it your way, dawg.
Let your work speak for itself.
8. Dispute Resolution
Contact support (if you can), submit forms, provide screenshots… disputes were a headache.
WoofWork is working with our partners at Unification to solve this challenge with the WoofWork BEACON. This tech is already live in testing, to time-stamp all contractual platform agreements immutably to the blockchain, to simplify decentralized dispute resolution.
What did he say? What did she say?
What does the BEACON say!
9. Login
Passwords, emails, usernames, 2FA… Passwords were hard to remember, and could be stolen and sold.
Enter Web3!
Login to WoofWork (and your WoofWork wallet) with the unbroken cryptographic security of wallet sign-in.
Not your keys, not your Woof!
10. Escrow
The old way, was entrusting third-parties to hold your funds until work is complete and approved. It’s trustworthy… until it isn’t.
The new way is to trust in code. Smart contracts over smart people. That’s why DEscrow is in development. DEscrow = Decentralized Escrow of multi-currency payments, and will complete the WoofWork payments ecosystem.
Vires in numeris.
11. Hiring Methods
Upwork and Fiverr presented two different ways of hiring. On Upwork, hiring a freelancer and negotiating pay per hour or contract. On Fiverr, offering a package of work (a gig) that you could be hired for. Both had merits.
WoofWork is taking the best of both these worlds. WoofWorkers can offer a “WoofPack”— a fixed price for a productized service; or WoofBosses can hire WoofWorkers for custom work based on their skill and reputation/reviews.
Pick a WoofPack. Or hire a WoofWorker. Woof it your way.
12. Services
From writing to design, from programming to legal work, there are a vast array of services on the old freelance sites.
At WoofWork, we’re taking this inspiration and adding to it, with new Web3 roles. From Telegram community manager to Discord moderator, from Smart Contract developer to Partnership Manager, the emerging roles in Web3 will be available on WoofWork.
Traditional Freelance jobs. Emerging Web3 roles. Find them both on WoofWork.
13. Governance
Established freelance marketplaces have started and grown as corporations. It works. But there’s another way…
WoofWork is building with a vision towards decentralization.
While we start with a core team, we are community focussed — with good reason. Development starts with a nucleus of Woofers, but as the Pack grows, we aim to distribute governance to teh people.
The trajectory of WoofWork is towards governance by DAO — this is an aspirational destination that we endeavor to journey towards starting from day 1. Hence, our support of local language/country groups on both Telegram and Discord — WOOF’s mission is global.
We may be the underdog, but the need is great, the mission is worthy, and the WoofPack is strong!
Official WoofWork Socials: